Cream of the Crop 3
Cream of the Crop 3.iso
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Assembly Source File
864 lines
; Collection of assembler support routines for NOS
; Copyright 1991 Phil Karn, KA9Q
extrn ctick:proc
public eoi
; Hardware vector for timer linkage
; We use the timer hardware channel here instead of the indirect BIOS
; channel (1ch) because the latter is sluggish when running under DoubleDos
public Spsave,Sssave,Intstk,Stktop,Mtasker
extrn Isat:word
Spsave dw ? ; Save location for SP during interrupts
Sssave dw ? ; Save location for SS during interrupts
Intstk dw 512 dup(?) ; Interrupt working stack
Stktop equ $ ; SP set here when entering interrupt
Mtasker db ? ; Type of higher multitasker, if any
dbase dw @data
jtable dw l0,l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,l8,l9,l10,l11,l12,l13,l14,l15
vector dd ? ; place to stash chained vector
vectlo equ word ptr vector
vecthi equ word ptr vector+2
; Re-arm 8259 interrupt controller(s)
; Should be called just after taking an interrupt, instead of just
; before returning. This is because the 8259 inputs are edge triggered, and
; new interrupts arriving during an interrupt service routine might be missed.
eoi proc
cmp Isat,1
jnz @@1 ; Only one 8259, so skip this stuff
mov al,0bh ; read in-service register from
out 0a0h,al ; secondary 8259
nop ; settling delay
in al,0a0h ; get it
or al,al ; Any bits set?
jz @@1 ; nope, not a secondary interrupt
mov al,20h ; Get EOI instruction
out 0a0h,al ; Secondary 8259 (PC/AT only)
@@1: mov al,20h ; 8259 end-of-interrupt command
out 20h,al ; Primary 8259
eoi endp
; common routine for interrupt return
; Note that all hardware interrupt handlers are expected to return
; the original vector found when the device first attached. We branch
; to it just after we've cleaned up here -- this implements shared
; interrupts through vector chaining. If the original vector isn't
; available, the interrupt handler must return NULL to avoid a crash!
public doret
label doret far
cmp ax,0 ; is a chained vector present?
jne @@1 ; yes
if @DataSize NE 0
cmp dx,ax
jne @@1 ; yes
pop es ; nope, return directly from interrupt
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov ss,Sssave
mov sp,Spsave ; restore original stack context
pop ds
; Code to handle vector chaining
@@1: mov cs:vectlo,ax ; stash vector for later branch
if @DataSize NE 0
mov cs:vecthi,dx
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov ss,Sssave
mov sp,Spsave ; restore original stack context
pop ds
if @DataSize NE 0
jmp cs:[vector] ; jump to the original interrupt handler
jmp cs:[vectlo]
; istate - return current interrupt state
public istate
istate proc
pop ax
and ax,200h
jz @@1
mov ax,1
@@1: ret
istate endp
; dirps - disable interrupts and return previous state: 0 = disabled,
; 1 = enabled
public dirps
dirps proc
pushf ; save flags on stack
pop ax ; flags -> ax
and ax,200h ; 1<<9 is IF bit
jz @@1 ; ints are already off; return 0
mov ax,1
cli ; interrupts now off
@@1: ret
dirps endp
; restore - restore interrupt state: 0 = off, nonzero = on
public restore
restore proc
arg is:word
test is,0ffffh
jz @@1
@@1: cli ; should already be off, but just in case...
restore endp
; multitasker types
NONE equ 0
WINDOWS3 equ 3
OS2 equ 4
; Relinquish processor so other task can run
public giveup
giveup proc
pushf ;save caller's interrupt state
sti ;re-enable interrupts
cmp Mtasker, OS2
jnz @@1
mov ax, 1680h
; int 2fh
int 28h
popf ; restore interrupts
@@1: cmp Mtasker, WINDOWS3
jnz @@2
mov ax, 1680h
int 2fh
cmp al, 80h ; call supported?
jz @@2 ; nope
popf ; yes - restore interrupts
@@2: cmp Mtasker, DESQVIEW
jnz @@3
mov ax, 1000h
int 15h
popf ; restore interrupts
@@3: cmp Mtasker, DOUBLEDOS
jnz @@4
mov al,2 ; 110 ms
mov ah,0eeh
int 21h
popf ; restore caller's interrupt state
@@4: hlt ; wait for an interrupt
popf ; restore interrupts
giveup endp
; check for a multitasker running
public chktasker
chktasker proc
mov Mtasker,NONE
; Check for OS/2
mov ax,3000h ; Get MS-DOS Version Number call
int 21h
cmp al,20 ; Version 20 = OS/2 2.0
jnz @@5
mov Mtasker, OS2
; Check for Microsoft Windows
@@5: mov ax,1600h
; Check for Microsoft Windows
mov ax,1600h
int 2fh
cmp al, 00h ; 0 means windows multitasking not running
jz @@4
cmp al, 80h ; ditto for 80h return
jz @@4
mov Mtasker, WINDOWS3
; Check for DoubleDos
@@4: mov ah,0e4h
int 21h
cmp al,1
jz @@1
cmp al,2
jnz @@2
@@1: mov Mtasker, DOUBLEDOS
; Check for DESQVIEW
@@2: mov ax, 2b01h
mov cx, 4445h
mov dx, 5351h
int 21h
cmp al, 0ffh
jnz @@3
@@3: mov Mtasker, DESQVIEW
chktasker endp
; getss - Read SS for debugging purposes
public getss
getss proc
mov ax,ss
getss endp
; clockbits - Read low order bits of timer 0 (the TOD clock)
; This works only for the 8254 chips used in ATs and 386s.
; The timer runs in mode 3 (square wave mode), counting down
; by twos, twice for each cycle. So it is necessary to read back the
; OUTPUT pin to see which half of the cycle we're in. I.e., the OUTPUT
; pin forms the most significant bit of the count. Unfortunately,
; the 8253 in the PC/XT lacks a command to read the OUTPUT pin...
; The PC's clock design is soooo brain damaged...
public clockbits
clockbits proc
mov al,0c2h ; latch timer 0 count and status for reading
cli ; make chip references atomic
out 43h,al ; send latch command
in al,40h ; get status of timer 0
mov bl,al ; save status
in al,40h ; get lsb of count
mov ah,al ; save lsb
in al,40h ; get msb of count
popf ; no more chip references
and bl,80h ; we're only interested in the OUT bit
xchg ah,al ; ax = count in correct order
shr ax,1 ; count /= 2
jz @@3 ; zero count requires carry propagation
@@2: or ah,bl ; combine with OUT bit as most sig bit of count
@@3: xor bl,80h ; propagate carry by toggling OUT bit when cnt == 0
or ah,bl ; combine with !OUT bit as most sig bit of count
clockbits endp
; Internet checksum subroutine
; Compute 1's-complement sum of data buffer
; Uses an unwound loop inspired by "Duff's Device" for performance
; Called from C as
; unsigned short
; lcsum(buf,cnt)
; unsigned short *buf;
; unsigned short cnt;
public lcsum
lcsum proc
arg buf:ptr,cnt:word
if @DataSize NE 0
uses ds,si
lds si,buf ; ds:si = buf
uses si
mov si,buf ; ds:si = buf (ds already set)
mov cx,cnt ; cx = cnt
cld ; autoincrement si
mov ax,cx
shr cx,1 ; cx /= 16, number of loop iterations
shr cx,1
shr cx,1
shr cx,1
inc cx ; make fencepost adjustment for 1st pass
and ax,15 ; ax = number of words modulo 16
shl ax,1 ; *=2 for word table index
lea bx,jtable ; bx -> branch table
add bx,ax ; index into jump table
clc ; initialize carry = 0
mov dx,0 ; clear accumulated sum
jmp word ptr cs:[bx] ; jump into loop
; Here the real work gets done. The numeric labels on the lodsw instructions
; are the targets for the indirect jump we just made.
; Each label corresponds to a possible remainder of (count / 16), while
; the number of times around the loop is determined by the quotient.
; The loop iteration count in cx has been incremented by one to adjust for
; the first pass.
deloop: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l15: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l14: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l13: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l12: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l11: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l10: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l9: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l8: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l7: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l6: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l5: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l4: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l3: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l2: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l1: lodsw
adc dx,ax
l0: loop deloop ; :-)
adc dx,0 ; get last carries
adc dx,0
mov ax,dx ; result into ax
xchg al,ah ; byte swap result (8088 is little-endian)
lcsum endp
; Link timer handler into timer chain
; Arg == address of timer handler routine
; MUST be called exactly once before uchtimer is called!
toff dw ? ; save location for old vector
tseg dw ? ; must be in code segment
public chtimer
chtimer proc
arg vec:far ptr
uses ds
mov ah,35h ; get current vector
mov al,TIMEVEC
int 21h ; puts vector in es:bx
mov cs:tseg,es ; stash
mov cs:toff,bx
mov ah,25h
mov al,TIMEVEC
lds dx,vec ; ds:si = vec
int 21h ; set new vector
chtimer endp
; unchain timer handler from timer chain
; MUST NOT be called before chtimer!
public uchtimer
uchtimer proc
uses ds
mov ah,25h
mov al,TIMEVEC
mov dx,toff
mov ds,tseg
int 21h ; restore old vector
uchtimer endp
; Clock tick interrupt handler. Note the use of "label" rather than "proc"
; here, necessitated by the fact that "proc" automatically generates BP-saving
; code that we don't want here.
public btick
label btick far
push ds
mov ds,cs:dbase ; establish interrupt data segment
mov Sssave,ss ; stash user stack context
mov Spsave,sp
mov ss,cs:dbase
lea sp,Stktop
push ax ; save user regs on interrupt stack
push bx
push cx
push dx
push bp
push si
push di
push es
call ctick
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov ss,Sssave
mov sp,Spsave ; restore original stack context
pop ds
jmp dword ptr [toff] ; link to previous vector
; Convert 32-bit int in network order to host order (dh, dl, ah, al)
; Called from C as
; int32 get32(char *cp);
public get32
get32 proc
arg cp:ptr
if @DataSize NE 0
uses ds,si
lds si,cp ; ds:si = cp
uses si
mov si,cp ; ds:si = cp (ds already set)
mov dh,al ; high word to dx, a-swapping as we go
mov dl,ah
xchg al,ah ; low word stays in ax, just swap
get32 endp
; Convert 16-bit int in network order to host order (ah, al)
; Called from C as
; int16 get16(char *cp);
public get16
get16 proc
arg cp:ptr
if @DataSize NE 0
uses ds,si
lds si,cp ; ds:si = cp
uses si
mov si,cp ; ds:si = cp (ds already set)
lodsw ; note: direction flag is don't-care
xchg al,ah ; word stays in ax, just swap
get16 endp
; Convert 32-bit int to network order, returning new pointer
; Called from C as
; char *put32(char *cp,int32 x);
public put32
put32 proc
arg cp:ptr,x:dword
if @DataSize NE 0
uses ds,di
les di,cp ; es:di = cp
mov ax,ss ; our parameter is on the stack, and ds might not
mov ds,ax ; be pointing to ss.
uses di
mov di,cp ; es:di = cp
mov ax,ds ; point es at data segment
mov es,ax
mov ax,word ptr (x+2) ; read high word of machine version
xchg ah,al ; swap bytes
stosw ; output in network order
mov ax,word ptr x ; read low word of machine version
xchg ah,al ; swap bytes
stosw ; put in network order
mov ax,di ; return incremented output pointer
if @DataSize NE 0
mov dx,es ; upper half of pointer
put32 endp
; Convert 16-bit int to network order, returning new pointer
; Called from C as
; char *put16(char *cp,int16 x);
public put16
put16 proc
arg cp:ptr,x:word
uses di
if @DataSize NE 0
les di,cp ;es:di = cp
mov di,cp ; es:di = cp
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov ax,x ; fetch source word in machine order
xchg ah,al ; swap bytes
stosw ; save in network order
mov ax,di ; return new output pointer to user
if @DataSize NE 0
mov dx,es ; upper half of pointer
put16 endp
; kbraw - raw, nonblocking read from console
; If character is ready, return it; if not, return -1
public kbraw
kbraw proc
mov ah,06h ; Direct Console I/O
mov dl,0ffh ; Read from keyboard
int 21h ; Call DOS
jz @@1 ; zero flag set -> no character ready
mov ah,0 ; valid char is 0-255
@@1: mov ax,-1 ; no char, return -1
kbraw endp
if @Cpu AND 2
; fast I/O buffer routines
; version for 80186, 286, 386 (uses ins, outs instructions)
; outbuf - put a buffer to an output port
public outbuf
outbuf proc
arg port:word,buf:ptr,cnt:word
if @DataSize NE 0
uses ds,si
lds si,buf ; ds:si = buf
uses si
mov si,buf ;ds:si = buf (ds already set)
mov dx,port
mov cx,cnt
rep outsb ; works only on PC/AT (80286)
mov dx,ds
mov ax,si ; return pointer just past end of buffer
outbuf endp
; inbuf - get a buffer from an input port
public inbuf
inbuf proc
arg port:word,buf:ptr,cnt:word
uses di
if @DataSize NE 0
les di,buf ; es:di = buf
mov di,buf ; es:di = buf
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov dx,port
mov cx,cnt
rep insb ; works only on PC/AT (80286)
mov dx,es
mov ax,di ; return pointer just past end of buffer
inbuf endp
; fast buffer I/O routines
; version for 8086/8
; outbuf - put a buffer to an output port
public outbuf
outbuf proc
arg port:word,buf:ptr,cnt:word
if @DataSize NE 0
uses ds,si
lds si,buf ; ds:si = buf
uses si
mov si,buf ; ds:si = buf (ds already set)
mov dx,port
mov cx,cnt
; If buffer doesn't begin on a word boundary, send the first byte
test si,1 ; (buf & 1) ?
jz @@even ; no
lodsb ; al = *si++;
out dx,al ; out(dx,al);
dec cx ; cx--;
mov cnt,cx ; save for later test
shr cx,1 ; cx = cnt >> 1; (convert to word count)
; Do the bulk of the buffer, a word at a time
jcxz @@nobuf ; if(cx != 0){
lodsw ; do { ax = *si++; (si is word pointer)
out dx,al ; out(dx,lowbyte(ax));
mov al,ah
out dx,al ; out(dx,hibyte(ax));
loop @@deloop ; } while(--cx != 0); }
; now check for odd trailing byte
mov cx,cnt
test cx,1
jz @@cnteven
lodsb ; al = *si++;
out dx,al
mov dx,ds
mov ax,si ; return pointer just past end of buffer
outbuf endp
; inbuf - get a buffer from an input port
public inbuf
inbuf proc
arg port:word,buf:ptr,cnt:word
uses di
if @DataSize NE 0
les di,buf ; es:di = buf
mov di,buf ; es:di = buf
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov dx,port
mov cx,cnt
; If buffer doesn't begin on a word boundary, get the first byte
test di,1 ; if(buf & 1){
jz @@bufeven ;
in al,dx ; al = in(dx);
stosb ; *di++ = al
dec cx ; cx--;
mov cnt,cx ; cnt = cx; } save for later test
shr cx,1 ; cx = cnt >> 1; (convert to word count)
; Do the bulk of the buffer, a word at a time
jcxz @@nobuf ; if(cx != 0){
in al,dx ; do { al = in(dx);
mov ah,al
in al,dx ; ah = in(dx);
xchg al,ah
stosw ; *si++ = ax; (di is word pointer)
loop @@deloop ; } while(--cx != 0);
; now check for odd trailing byte
mov cx,cnt
test cx,1
jz @@cnteven
in al,dx
stosb ; *di++ = al
mov dx,es
mov ax,di ; return pointer just past end of buffer
inbuf endp
public longdiv
; long unsigned integer division - divide an arbitrary length dividend by
; a 16-bit divisor. Replaces the dividend with the quotient and returns the
; remainder. Called from C as
; unsigned short
; longdiv(unsigned short divisor,int cnt,unsigned short *dividend);
;Register usage:
; di - divisor
; si - pointer into dividend array
; cx - loop counter, initialized to the number of 16-bit words in the dividend
; ax - low word of current dividend before each divide, current quotient after
; dx - remainder from previous divide carried over, becomes high word of
; dividend for next divide
longdiv proc
arg divisor:word,cnt:word,dividend:ptr
if @DataSize NE 0
uses ds,si,di
lds si,dividend
uses si,di
mov si,dividend ;si -> dividend array
cmp divisor,0 ; divisor == 0?
jne @2 ; no, ok
xor ax,ax ; yes, avoid divide-by-zero trap
jmp short @1
@2: mov dx,0 ; init remainder = 0
mov cx,cnt ; init cnt
mov di,divisor ; cache divisor in register
mov ax,word ptr [si] ; fetch current word of dividend
cmp ax,0 ; dividend == 0 ?
jne @7 ; nope, must do division
cmp dx,0 ; remainder also == 0?
je @4 ; yes, skip division, continue
@7: div di ; do division
mov word ptr [si],ax ; save quotient
@4: inc si ; next word of dividend
inc si
loop @@deloop
mov ax,dx ; return last remainder
@1: ret
longdiv endp
; long unsigned integer multiplication - multiply an arbitrary length
; multiplicand by a 16-bit multiplier, leaving the product in place of
; the multipler, returning the carry. Called from C as
; unsigned short
; longmul(unsigned short multiplier,int cnt,unsigned short *multiplier);
; Register usage:
; di = multiplier
; si = pointer to current word of multiplicand
; bx = carry from previous round
; cx = count of words in multiplicand
; dx,ax = scratch for multiply
public longmul
longmul proc far
arg multiplier:word,n:word,multiplicand:ptr
if @DataSize NE 0
uses ds,si,di
lds si,multiplicand
uses si,di
mov si,multiplicand ; si -> multiplicand array
mov di,multiplier ; cache multiplier in register
xor bx,bx ; init carry = 0
mov cx,n ; fetch n
mov ax,cx
shl ax,1 ; *2 = word offset
add si,ax ; multiplicand += n
dec si
dec si ; work from right to left
mov ax,word ptr [si] ; fetch current multiplicand
or ax,ax ; skip multiply if zero
jz @@nomult
mul di ; dx:ax <- ax * di
add ax,bx ; add carry from previous multiply
mov word ptr [si],ax ; save low order word of product
mov bx,0 ; clear previous carry, leaving CF alone
adc bx,dx ; save new carry
xor dx,dx ; clear in case we skip the next mult
loop @@deloop
mov ax,bx ; return final carry
longmul endp
ifdef notdef
; divide 32 bits by 16 bits, returning both quotient and remainder
; This allows C programs that need both to avoid having to do two divisions
; Called from C as
; long divrem(dividend,divisor)
; long dividend;
; short divisor;
; The quotient is returned in the low 16 bits of the result,
; and the remainder is returned in the high 16 bits.
public divrem
divrem proc
arg dividend:dword,divisor:word
mov ax,word ptr dividend
mov dx,word ptr (dividend+2)
div divisor
divrem endp
ifdef notdef
; not used at the moment
; Compute int(log2(x))
; Called from C as
; int log2(int16 x);
public log2
log2 proc
arg x:word
mov cx,16
mov ax,x
@@2: rcl ax,1
jc @@1
loop @@2
@@1: dec cx
mov ax,cx
log2 endp